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What influences lead to 60s Counterculture?

Annotated Bibliography  



Duncan, Russell. “The Summer of Love and Protest: Transatlantic Counterculture in the 1960s.” The Transatlantic Sixties: Europe and the United States in the Counterculture Decade, edited by Grzegorz Kosc et al., Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, 2013, pp. 144–173. JSTOR,


This article shows the worldwide connections that were made during the sixties. He discusses music and artists, showing the particular influences they had. He also talks a bit about literature and some political stances of the counterculture. 


Gair, Christopher. The American Counterculture. Edinburgh University Press, 2007. 


Gair’s Book delves into all aspects of sixties’ counterculture. He outlines the different aspects that helped to create it like the economy, civil rights, and creative elements. He then goes into detail about the music and literature that came about. 


Kiely, Christopher. “The Beat Generation, Hippies, and Hunter S. Thompson: From Progressive to Regressive.” Aero. 13 Mar 2017. 


This article is purely on the attitude and influence of the Beatniks. Kiely discusses particular members of the generation and works they created.


Pruitt, Sarah. “How the Vietnam War Empowered the Hippie Movement.” 14 Sep.  2018. hippies-counter-culture.


Pruitt’s main discussion point in her article is how the hippie movement was so closely tied to the Vietnam war. She talks a little about the importance of TV and the Beat generation. 

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